Volkswagen Canada
Design Research | Experience Strategy |
UX Design Oversight

Tribal DDB is currently the agency of record for Volkswagen Canada, a German automaker. Because of this close relationship, I was able to conduct ongoing iterative usability testing for different experiences on the site over a period of 1.5 years, including:
Car Model Pages
Build & Price
Special Offers
Ask a Driver
Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles
Aftersales/Parts and Service
Opportunities for Design Research
I worked collaboratively with our clients and internal teams to identify and conduct 3 different types of design research.
When an experience on the site was redesigned to better meet stakeholder objectives & user needs, I ran usability testing sessions to gather design feedback and actionable findings.
When patterns emerged from analytics that didn't tell the whole story, I ran qualitative research sessions to provide additional context. For example, I tested the Special Offers experience to better understand why conversion was so low.
I conducted generative research to identify opportunities for growth. For example, I interviewed existing VW owners to better understand what they wanted from the digital post-purchase experience.
Roles & Responsibilities
Identified participant criteria
Wrote recruitment screeners
Developed testing scenarios
Worked with design and/or development to build out testing scenarios in prototypes
Wrote interview guides
Facilitated interviews
Synthesis of findings
Collaborated with design and development teams to iterate designs based on user research findings

Case Study #1 - Ask a Driver
Ask a Driver is an online platform where potential VW customers can have their car questions answered by real drivers. To promote engagement, the site launched with a contest where every question and answer posted served as a ballot towards winning a VW Golf.
While the site performed successfully during the contest, engagement and participation sharply fell off during non-contest periods. I ran usability testing sessions to discover opportunities to grow the Ask a Driver experience beyond a contesting platform.
I worked with another business analyst on the team to conduct 16 interviews with Habitat Canada stakeholders to better understand the business needs and priorities for their respective departments, including Marketing and Communications, Direct Marketing, Global Village, Corporate Team Building, ReStore, Donations and the Technology Team.

Case Study #2 - Special Offers
The Special Offers page on the Volkswagen website is one of the most heavily trafficked pages due to paid and organic traffic. However, we heard from salespeople at local VW dealerships that potential customers found the presentation of the offers to be overwhelming and confusing.
I ran a combination of discovery interviews and usability testing of the live site to identify user expectations around special offers, payment methods & negotiation for their upcoming car purchase.

Case Study #3 - Switchover 2019
In the automotive world, the term switchover refers to launching the next model year of cars (ie. going from 2018 > 2019 models). On the Volkswagen Canada website, the 2019 Switchover involved updating both the model pages and the Build & Price experience to accommodate new content and features.
I ran usability testing across desktop and mobile breakpoints to gather design feedback on the model year updates.